And basically because there’s less, there’s less energy available to the body, that process slows down. They deserve unconditionally to have this space as well. Maybe you can start an after-school program related to one of your interests.

And I think since you just did a newsletter, I’m gonna also share a newsletter that I’ve really been enjoying. It’s called Vittles and it is a food based kind of newsletter, but it’s specifically kind of documenting, how would I, how would I even put it? Like, so Ruby Tandoh, who a lot of people probably know from Bakeoff, you know, the Great British Bakeoff? So she writes this column for Vittles called Incidental Eating. And she talks about like, just all of these like nostalgic foods, like donuts at the beach and like there’s like this specific kind of ice cream that you get in the UK called like a Whippy Ice Cream. And in last week’s episode, I talked to Julia Turshen about this and how that in and of itself is a privilege.

And then be like, you know, a lot of people formula feed because they can’t breastfeed or choose not to, or, you know, whatever, breastfeeding isn’t going to work for them. So why are you shaming people for a choice that they need to make and this life saving nutrition for their child is not available. Like, yeah, let’s have some empathy for that. Christy Harrison Oh God, totally, I feel like it has happened, I mean, it happened almost from the instance, she was born for us. And so we ended up doing formula kind of from day, you know, maybe day two, and did formula for, you know, several weeks.

And yeah, I got to talk to her on my podcast. She’s such a phenomenal just person and thinker and writer. And her book, whether or not you’re a parent, you know Grace and we do not have biological children. I don’t mean biological, I mean human children. But even still, I took just so much from Angela’s book and the way she talks about care work, which is I think, really what we’re talking about today, I think it’s just really profound. I think anyone who got anything out of our conversation would get so much so much more out of Angela’s book.

Let your guy know that staying in touch when you’re apart and that his texts put a smile on your face. Don’t play texting games and punish him by not replying to his texts when he sends them. No one wants to be with someone who is playing too hard to get. Show that you appreciate it when he takes the time to send you a text. Keep those smiley face emoticons in your text replies when you’re happy to hear from him. On the opposite end of the digital spectrum, the absence of a daily text or a change in routine can send many in new relationships and the lovelorn into an unnecessary panic attack.

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And, they can make a significant difference to your health and well-being. If you find yourself repeatedly overstimulated at the end of the workday, make it a habit to take a walk at lunch. Or at least take a walk when you leave work to down regulate your nervous system. As soon as you notice stress rising, drink a glass of water. Create a plan to stay hydrated throughout the day so you’ll be more resilient to stress and the overstimulation it can cause.

Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect

You look at their looks, their interests, their personality, their sense of humor. Can you see that he’s trying to get his way regardless of your feelings? I bet he also tried asking you for a baby. Then he tried telling you he wants a baby. Then he HURT you and didn’t let up until you agreed under force.

And people were just sat and they just were like watching me. And I was like you could offer a hand here. So when you’re pregnant, I always felt like people will bend over backwards to hold the door for you. Well, I guess this is kind of like pre pandemic experience. Just it seems like the ability to help is there. Just people are, the kindness is available.

And you know, sometimes my friends don’t hear from me, but it’s because I’m with my kids. And no one is ever going to stand in front of them, because they’re incredible beings. And they have so, now my older kids are there, they, you know, their minds just want to, they’re like mops, like sponges, they want, they ask all the most ridiculous questions.

Like, it, it’s tricky cuz you want, you want to be supportive of people who want their bodies to be particular ways and, and, I dunno what I’m trying to say here, but. Everyone should be able to be in control of what goes on in their body basically. Um, but I think disengaging from diet talk and disengaging from saying to people things like, oh, you’ve lost weight, or That is flattering, or talking about myself in derogatory ways has been. It’s like a practice that I just need to keep on with because I think if I lose that I could very easily fall into a kind of self-loathing trap again, and I would never be thin again. But I would feel a lot worse about myself.